Tips and Tricks
Dive deeper once you’ve covered the basics

20 Min |Grid
Create a grid whenever you start a new Workspace

6 Min |Workspaces
Workspaces are a fundamental building block of any project.

1 Min |Perfect Box Joints with Origin
Box Joint Basic is a free extension on Origin to create box joints

2 Min |Pocketing Procedure
In this video, Sam explains pocketing with Origin.

3 Min |Cut Types
In this video, we’ll show you the cut types recognized by Origin and scenarios where each might be used.

3 Min |Finishing Passes
To get really high quality cuts, we recommend doing finishing passes with Origin. In this video Sam walks you through the best practices of roughing and finishing passes.

2 Min |Getting the Perfect Fit With Offsets
Origin allows you to set custom offsets which allows you to fine-tune your cuts easily. This video will walk you through the offset feature and how to get that perfect fit.

2 Min |On Tool Dogbone
In this video, Sam demonstrates the how to create dogbones on tool.

6 Min |Cutter Speeds
In this video, Sam shows how to determine appropriate cutting speed, which will differ for materials and cutter.

2 Min |Facing Origin Towards Tape
In this video, Sam demonstrates the cutting motion, that keeps tape visible throughout.

3 Min |Custom Anchor Points
Custom Anchor points give you even more flexibility when placing your design on your workspace.

5 Min |Depth Encoding
Learn how to set an encoded depth to your cut paths.

3 Min |Manual Touch Off
Use manual touch off when doing the Z-touch with engraving bits.

50 Min |Tips & Tricks: Hybrid Cutting and Templates
How to create templates and fixtures with Origin and Workstation.

61 Min |Extensions: Box Joint Basics
Box Joint Basicmakes it easy to design and cut precise-fitting joinery on-tool without a computer, physical templates, or painstaking calculations.

50 Min |Extension: Text Basic
Text Basic is an Extension that allows users to type and place engraveable text anywhere on their workpiece.

48 Min |Extension: Autopass
AutoPass can automatically configure your cut depth and automatically ramp into each pass, saving you time and preventing mistakes along the way.

6 Min |Soss 101
Learn how to use Origin and Plate to install Soss 101 hinges in a cabinet door.

5 Min |Mortise and Tenon I
Learn how to use Origin and Workstation to create Tenons.

6 Min |Mortise and Tenon II
Using Origin and Workstation, you can create Mortises that perfectly matches your tenons.

4 Min |Barbells
How to cut a Barbell into the crack of a board.

3 Min |Door Pull
Using Origin and Plate to flush-fit a door pull.