Tu viens d'obtenir ton Origin Shaper ? Tu cherches à rafraîchir tes connaissances sur les meilleures pratiques ? Nous avons tout ce qu'il te faut, du déballage au logiciel de conception. Remarque : Les vidéos ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais pour le moment. L'onboarding en français sera bientôt disponible.

Commençons par le débutDesign pour OriginConseils et astucesPlate & WorkstationAccessoires Shaper


Commence ici si tu viens d'acheter Origin ou si tu es un nouvel utilisateur. Cette série t'aidera à déballer Shaper Origin et à réaliser tes premières coupes.

4 Min |Lesson 1: Unboxing
Your Shaper Origin has arrived! Watch this video to get a quick overview of what you will find inside your systainer as well as an orientation of Origin and accessories.
2 Min |Lesson 2: Tool Setup and Account creation
First things first: Create your account and log into your Origin
4 Min |Lesson 3: Creating a Workspace
Every project starts with a Workspace. Let’s create your first one.
4 Min |Lesson 4: The Design Menu
Origin is packed with powerful design tools, directly onboard.
Voir tous

Design pour Origin

Apprends à créer des modèles à l'aide de Shaper Studio, d'Adobe Illustrator, et plus encore.

20 Min |Grid
Create a grid whenever you start a new Workspace
6 Min |Workspaces
Workspaces are a fundamental building block of any project.
1 Min |Perfect Box Joints with Origin
Box Joint Basic is a free extension on Origin to create box joints
2 Min |Pocketing Procedure
In this video, Sam explains pocketing with Origin.


Plonge plus profondément une fois que tu as couvert les bases.

28 Min |On Tool Design: Box Joints
Box Joint Basic lets users input their joint parameters and creates cut files on the fly—no computers or physical templates required!
50 Min |On Tool Design: Text
In this Shaper Session we are going through all things text for Origin.
2 Min |On Tool Design: Shapes - Dogbone
In this video, Sam demonstrates the how to create dogbones on tool.
25 Min |Shaper Studio: Getting Started
In this video we will cover the basics of how to use Shaper Studio

Plate & Workstation

Regarde ces vidéos pour apprendre à utiliser Origin avec Plate et Workstation.

2 Min |Shaper Plate: Introduction
Shaper Plate is the universal template for Origin, designed to install a wide range of hardware, route System 32 holes and much more.
19 Min |Shaper Plate: Setting up Plate
Thanks to Origin’s saved Workspaces, you only need to Scan and Grid once when cutting with Plate.
9 Min |Shaper Workstation: Overview
Full walkthrough of Workstation's components
18 Min |Shaper Workstation: Tutorial
Learn how Workstation can expand your shop's capabilities

Accessoires Shaper

1 Min |Applying the Shaper Origin Screen Cover
We'll show you how to install the protective screen cover on your Origin.
27 Min |Connected Caliper Walkthrough
Learn how to use the Connected Caliper with Origin
27 Min |Tips & Tricks for Cutting Foam Inserts
Best practices for cutting custom foam inserts for your limited edition Shaper Customizable Systainer.
70 Min |Specialty Bits
How to use our Specialty Bits

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