Joe Campbell
Joe Campbell is a CTE Construction Instructor at Glendale High School in Los Angeles. He relies on 10 Shaper Origins to teach CNC and woodworking to a digital native-generation.
For years there's been kind of a demand for us to teach CNC. With Origin, multiple students can be working at the same time.
For the past 17 years, Joe Campbell has been teaching in the Glendale High School Construction and Technology Academy – a CTE program aimed at helping students develop marketable trades skills. In the outskirts of Los Angeles, few of Joe's freshman students have ever held a power tool, let alone programmed a CNC machine.
In 2019, Joe saw Shaper Origin and immediately realized the potential for his students. Today Joe relies on 10 Origins to bring a hands-on CNC experience to his entire class.
"With Origin, students are involved in the process of designing it and cutting it. And when it's done, it looks exactly what they wanted it to look like. It gives them an opportunity to produce something and say, hey, this really looks good."
Teaching Shop Skills to a Digital-Native Generation
Joe Campbell begins students with simple cutting operations and engravings. Students are able to quickly produce designs of their favorite anime character or baseball team and then build the confidence for larger, more ambitious projects. Immediately comfortable with the digital interface of Origin, they regularly teach one and another. "What's really interesting is to watch the kids teach each other on it. They help each other a lot."