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Shaper Logo - Voronoi Style

By Florian|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Updated April 29th, 2021

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One continuous line, drawing the Shaper logo. Sample projects to test-drive StippleGen 2.

40 min



Files included (1)
55 kB

- Black MDF
- Shaper Origin - Engrave bit - 1/4" cutter
- Pick a material of your likes. - Scale the SVG according to your needs on-tool and place it. - Use the engrave bit to engrave the continuous line. The ends are marked with a circular guideline. - Use the cutter to cut your material. Depending on your taste, use the offset function to cut into the engraved single line (like I did) or stay away from it (like sketched in the SVG). - Before releasing the logo with your last cut, consider using the engrave bit to add a chamfer to the circular shape (as seen on the last image). Enjoy cutting! Read more about the software, which was used to create this sign here: