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Meditation Bench

By Florian|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created August 10th, 2018

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A simple meditation bench, which went wrong in the first place. A physical patch made it even nicer than planned originally.

2 hr



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3/4" (19 mm) Multi-Ply Plywood Small piece of hardwood
Shaper Origin 1/4" Up-Cut Bit 1/8" Up-Cut Bit Orbital Sander Clamps Wood glue
This meditation bench is the result of a mistake I made when cutting the original simple version. I patched the flawed area with a piece of walnut wood. The legs and the walnut hot fix must be cut from two sides. Use Origin's grid feature to align both sides exactly. You can find a full write-up of my process here: Also find the Fusion360 design file attached to make your own adjustments.