Catan Piece Holder Created by tehumbert — Cut out a game piece holder for Settlers of Catan.
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Catan Piece Holder

By tehumbert|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created September 10th, 2018

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Cut out a game piece holder for Settlers of Catan.

30 min



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24" x 24" x 1/8" sheet of plywood. Spray Paint to match pieces
Shaper Origin
Hexagons fit into the board box. Check out fusion file to verify dimensions. You might have to add more tolerances or offsets to have your pieces fit. This was a fun project, but ultimately it's not the most practical for game setup and storage. Bit: Preferred 1/ 16" upspiral bit or 1/8" should work if you do some corner filing. Depth depends on material thickness. Be careful not to go too deep. Remember to cut the inside out first, use double-sided tape and then cut out the whole piece.