Finger pull Created by Mark_Evans — I whipped this up to show just how quickly you can create a drawing to inlay hardware based on this thread: The pull can be found here: I've included the Fusion 360 file in case you need to modify or study how I got there.
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Finger pull

By Mark_Evans|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created July 31st, 2019

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I whipped this up to show just how quickly you can create a drawing to inlay hardware based on this thread: The pull can be found here: I've included the Fusion 360 file in case you need to modify or study how I got there.

10 min



Files included (3)
barn door finger pull.svg
3 kB
finger pull v2.f3d
93 kB

Any barn style door.
Shaper Origin chisel to square corners screwdriver
Simply pocket each profile to the desired depth and then come back with an inside cut to clean up. I'd suggest trying on a scrap 2x4 before committing to a good door.