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Vertical Pipe Shelves

By Jeremy|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created August 15th, 2018

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These slim pipe shelves will complete your home's industrial-chic vibe.

1 hr 30 min



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5x 1/2" Thick Plywood or Hardwood shelves cut to size with track & table saw 10x 12" Long, 1" Nominal Diameter Pipes 10x 1" Nominal Diameter Pipe Couplers 2x 3" Long, 1" Nominal Diameter Pipes 2x 6" Long, 1" Nominal Diameter Pipes 2x 90 degree elbow 1" Pipe Fittings 4x Pipe Wall Flanges
Shaper Origin Table and/or Track Saw
1. Use a table and/or tracksaw to cut the shelves to the desired size. The design file assumes 16"x8" shelves. 2. Use Origin's Grid tool to snap the design files to the pre-cut shelves. 3. The holes in the design are intentionally undersized for 1" inner diameter iron pipes. Start with undersized holes, then do test fits with your pipe. Use the offset function on Origin to increase the hole size until it slides through the hole with just a small amount of friction. Getting the right fit is important to ensure the shelves do not wobble. 4. Clean the pipes, if you haven't already - I suggest Isopropyl alcohol. 5. Assemble the pipes and shelves, allowing each shelf to rest on a coupler. 6. Use a level to adjust how far each coupler is screwed in, until the shelves are level. 7. Anchor the top and bottom wall flanges into your wall and floor using the appropriate types of screws for your wall and floor type.