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Contoured Stool

By Kiley|BY-NC-SA 4.0 License|Created August 9th, 2018

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For this stool, I tried a technique where I cut the profile of the stool top from the side ~1" deep. I then used that profile as a guide to set depths and cut the top. After moderate sanding, I wound up with a smooth contoured seat.

2 hr



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-17" by 11" by 2" Hardwood (Seat) -(4x) 17" by 2" by 2" Hardwood (Legs) -(3x) 11" by 0.75" by 0.75" Hardwood (stretchers) -(2x) 5" by 1" by 1" Hardwood (stretchers)
-1/4" Upcut Bit (with at least a 1" flute length) -Wood Glue -Clamps -Calipers
Loose instructions can be found in this post -